Friday, April 3, 2020

Reading Reflection 2.0--21A

I chose to read Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker.  I chose this book because the title seemed exciting and innovation is not only a part of entrepreneurship, it is also required to mold new entrepreneurs.

1.  The general theme of the book, in my opinion, is that innovating and being open to growth as an entrepreneur can lead someone to discover and gain a new market opportunity.  I also believe the author is adamant on entrepreneurs thinking keenly as business people and turning their professions as entrepreneurs into habits.

2. Mainly, the book connected with the class because both the book and this class stress the importance of recognized and creating an opportunity--something that every entrepreneur must excel at.

3. My exercise for this class would be consistent with the first part of the book, the part that talks about inciting change to create a market opportunity.  I would ask my students to drive down a street with commercial buildings, strip malls, etc. and think of something on that street that has potential.  Something that you can change or mold into something that presents an opportunity.  Then I would have the students describe that opportunity.

4. My "aha" moment when reading this book came when he first discussed how entrepreneurship and innovation must be a practice, something that is always being used, in any business.  It made a lot of sense to me because this class has taught us to think like entrepreneurs, to always be on the lookout for needs and opportunities.


  1. Hey John, I truly enjoyed reading your discussion blog post in regard to your reading reflection on the book by Peter Drucker. All of your answers to each part seemed rather precise and accurate. Moreover, I love your exercise which involves driving through a street in order to find more potential business ideas. I think your activity is brilliant and would serve future students rather well. Overall, I think that you did a phenomenal job on your reading reflection. Great work!

  2. Hey John, this one was a great read. I liked reading this post to see your opinions and remarks on it. Your aha moment was a good one as well. I had a similar aha moment when reading Dwecks' book. I look forward to reading many more of your post and hope you keep safe through this time!
