Thursday, April 16, 2020

26A--Celebrating Failure

1. This past semester, I failed constantly when learning a new software called JMP in my business stats class.  In preparation for the first test, I neglected the software and attempted to do all the math required for the exam using my calculator.  I have always been reluctant to use technology, preferring hand calculations to ensure I was not making a mistake.  On the first exam, I failed miserably and did not succeed with neglecting the software.

2. It wasn't until I was sitting in a review session for financial accounting when it hit me that I needed to learn to use technology.  The study expert giving the review session said that this class should be teaching us how to input things into the computer instead of doing things by hand.  This made me realize just how important adjusting to technology is.  As for the big picture, I learned the importance of being open to growth in anything I may encounter.  For the second exam, I made sure I could do everything with the software, and got an A.

3.  I hate failure, and I hate losing.  Failure, whether in school, sports, or life, affects me greatly.  It doesn't just make me sad, it angers me.  I can't shake a failure until I can replace it with success.  After taking this class, I can't say with any certainty that I would take a risk that I would not have before, but thanks to this class, I know how to reason and think logically in order to take a risk.

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