Thursday, April 9, 2020

23A--My Venture's Unfair Advantage

1.  Location--a midtown location in Gainesville is incredibly important.  It is valuable because it is so close to campus and so close to bars.  It is a rare because there are not a lot of restaurants at midtown, and there are no chicken places.  It is inimitable because part of the success of the venture will be because of midtown being around it, it won't be duplicated if it's not at midtown.  There are no other resources that can provide these benefits of having a good location.

2. Better hours--The other chicken place close by (Chick-Fil-A at the Standard) closes early, so my chicken place will have more convenient hours.  Better hours are rare because there has to be a reason for staying open late and that is because the nearby bars are open late.  Better hours are hard to copy because a restaurant needs a reason to stay open late and not all restaurants have that reason.  There are no other resources that can provide the same benefits as being open late.

3. Nearby Bars--Valuable because we can predict busy times when the bars are crowded and have special deals.  Rare because not many restaurants can be located so close to a strip of bars.  Inimitable for the same reason as why it is rare.  Non-substitutable because bars are the only business that can bring customers at any time of the day to eat.

4. Network I already have--I have a large network through involvement at UF.  Valuable because it will get people to come through the door.  Honestly, not very rare--lots of people have big networks.  Easily copied, and substitutable because many other things can get people through the door.

5. Not as reliant on food--valuable because of other factors people will come to eat here, and it can also help us focus on being efficient.  Not rare because other restaurants in the area can do the same.  Inimitable because most other restaurants need specials and a good menu.  Maybe location and hours can do this as well.

6. No chicken competition--Valuable because competition can cause a business to fail.  Rare because competition always exists normally.  Inimitable because nowhere else because of my location there can be no chicken competition as it is now.  Substitutable because other restaurants at midtown have no competition.

7. Plans to do campus delivery--valuable because other chicken places are not close enough to deliver. Rare because not many chicken places deliver on their own payroll.  Inimitable because we would be the only chicken place able to deliver.  No other resources can provide a delivery service equivalent.

8. University of Florida--valuable because all our customers will have something to do with UF. Not super rare, inimitable, or nonsubstitutable because this can be said for all businesses around campus.

9. Advertising platform--valuable because we have so many businesses, UF, and apartments close by that we can partner with.  Not rare because any other business can do the same.  Not inimitable because it can easily be copied.  No other resource can benefit us in this way.

10. Takeout--valuable because we will not have to focus on dining in as much which can save us money.  Not rare because the other restaurants at midtown do the same.  Imitable because most restaurants need to focus mostly on dining in.  Substitutable because location allows us to have lots of takeout orders.

My top resource is location.  Location will bring more customers in the door consistently because it is walking distance from campus and bars.  Location also allows for many of our other resources to be subsititutable.  Location is by far the backbone of this business model.


  1. Hey John, those are some awesome resources. You have a well diverse background that enables you to have many resources that can be extremely valuable if used correctly to their fullest. I liked how you gave detailed descriptions on each of the resources and gave examples on how it would play a vital role. Overall, great job!

  2. Hi John! I really enjoyed reading your post and learning about all of your resources. Your background is obviously a huge resource for you to utilize your own experiences. This can really enable you to become successful because you have genuine experience to fall back on. I also liked how you talked about your location because that really determines not only your customer base, but revenues, and how you conduct your business. Overall, great job!
