Thursday, April 16, 2020

28A--Exit Strategy

I plan to eventually sell my chicken restaurant to a larger company or conglomerate group.  I plan to do this because the business was founded based on an opportunity that may not always exist.  Once the need is met, I plan to grow into new markets.  When the original opportunity no longer exists based on my venture to explore new markets, I will look to sell out. 

Also, based on the current direction of Midtown, we know that it may be converted into housing eventually.  In this case, I would love to have other stores and then sell out because the original opportunity is no loner available.  However, I would also say that my exit strategy is dependent on whether the company can grow, and the company's growing is based on my original opportunity.


  1. I took the chance to read your post and I think you did an awesome job on this assignment! After reading about what your orignal business idea was, I would agree that having the exit strategy of selling the business as your exit strategy is the best option you can take because as you say, if the opprtunity no longer exists, explore new markets. Therefore, selling is the best option to take in this senario. Overall, really good work on this assignment!

  2. Hello John! I truly enjoyed reading your discussion blog post in regard to your "exit strategy". I agree with you that your exit strategy would be the best option for you. Because, as you said "if the opportunity no longer exists, explore new markets" and I think that's important for business owners to know and understand. Overall, great job on this assignment!
