Saturday, April 25, 2020

30A--Final Reflection

1.  This semester I enjoyed a lot of the posts, like forming a need and describing how our strengths would help us in our concepts, etc.  I had a lot of fun and enjoyed being creative with my assignments.  I did not enjoy interviewing, especially the ones where we needed long interviews.  I can remember waiting too long to start my posts and having to make phone calls late at night, etc.

2.  My most formative experience was reading the books about Phil Knight and Ray Kroc.  I truly enjoyed reading about how these men thought and how they created Nike and McDonalds, and I realized from reading what qualities it takes to be persistent and successful.  I'll always remember and I am most proud of my concept of a chicken restaurant at Midtown.  It's not flashy or super creative compared to many other concepts but I believe it will work, and I'm proud of how it turned out through the activities in this class.  I most enjoyed giving elevator pitches.  I believe they are so important and very crucial to developing important social skills. 

3.  I definitely have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset in this class.  I think more like an entrepreneur now then I did before taking the class.  I see opportunities when I drive down a street and realize needs in my home cities of New Orleans and Gainesville.

4. I would tell future students of this class to always be attentive and be open minded in looking for opportunities to be an entrepreneur.  I would tell them the key to being successful in this class is doing everything in a timely manner so they can have extra time to be creative and open minded.  To foster their entrepreneurial mindset I would tell them to always be paying attention to something that can be a new opportunity.

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