Friday, April 3, 2020

22A--Elevator Pitch 3.0

In my past pitch, I got feedback saying I really sold the viewer on my business; however, I was a bit surprised by this comment because I thought my delivery could have been better.  This time, I tried to give my pitch my most confident delivery, use more meaningful nonverbal gestures while keeping my main message the same for the most part.


  1. Hey John, I truly enjoyed watching your elevator pitch in regard to your main business concept. Quite frankly, I am also highly sold on your idea and I believe that it's got potential to succeed, as well. Furthermore, I loved the fact that you seemed quite composed and confident throughout the course of your speech. I like how you also integrated the nonverbal gestures in order to convey a sense of passion and enthusiasm. Overall, I think that you did a phenomenal job on your final elevator pitch. Great work!

  2. Hey what's up John,

    I hope everything is good. Again nice pitch. I like how you reflected on the feedback that was presented to you on the previous two post. I look forward to keeping up with your business idea. I also like how you added extra material to the ending of your presentation this time.
