Thursday, February 6, 2020

Solving the Problem

The solution to the problem of not having a chicken place at Midtown is simple:  Open a chicken place at midtown!

The opportunity of opening a primarily chicken restaurant at Midtown solves the need of the people not being able to get chicken after a long night of drinking at the bars, a long day of studying at Lib West or Study Edge, or a nice church service nearby.  At this restaurant we will primarily sell chicken--in the form of nuggets, tenders, wings, sandwiches, and chicken salad, along with an array of sides.

Merely having a chicken place at Mid fulfills the need!


  1. Hi John! I think your idea to have a chicken restaurant at Midtown is really smart. There are certainly an abundance of people whether they are coming from drinking or studying that would love to eat chicken. However, I would encourage you to think about Chick-fil-a which is right down the street at The Standard. Maybe think of how your restaurant will compete with this brand that has some seriously loyal followers. Also, think of how your restaurant will compete with the pre-existing Pita Pit, Italian Gator, and other fast food restaurants that exist in Midtown.

  2. Hey John,

    I love my chicken too. There are too many burger joints in the area. Chick-fil-A is too ordinary to me and they close early. I believe your solution to this problem fits well, and the simplicity is right on. Opening a chicken restaurant will perform well, especially in Midtown. Overall, I like your post and look forward to being updated on your idea.
