Thursday, February 20, 2020

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior Part 1

For my segment, I will be choosing UF students and faculty

interview 1:  In this interview I chatted with my friend who goes out to the midtown bars about 3 times a week he said.  I told him all about my business plan and then explained how it formed around a need, and I'm trying to gather information about other people also having this need.  He says he has this need, because he loves eating food after a long night at the bars, and has craved chicken nuggets but obviously can't drive to get them and no place nearby is within walking distance.  With this being said, his most salient need is late night chicken.  Our business can offer that.  When other chicken places are closed, we can be the chicken source for the people who need a late night snack.  Having the restaurant walking distance from campus is nice as well.  When he becomes aware of this need, he searches Uber eats and Hooked to try to find a good deal on chicken.  he will no longer need any of those apps, he can now just walk to get his food.

interview 2:  The next interview was with a girl in my Business Statistics class who doesn't drink and does not go to the bars at Midtown.  I knew this interview would give me lots of insight for the future of the business because I formed this idea on the need that I had for late night chicken after going out.  I first explained the need and asked her if she had this need for chicken so close to campus.  She explained that she does have this need.  She lives just steps away from Midtown at Buckman Hall, which is closer to midtown than it is any of the chick-fil-a's on campus, so her need extends to whenever she wants chicken.  She also prefers studying at Lib West, which is also very close to Midtown.  She wants chicken when she wants to reward herself after an exam or a long night of studying and on the weekends when she's with friends.  Her need is unique yet common.  Unique that it's different from most UF students' but common in that nothing really stands out about it.  It gives me an interesting background that a chicken place can be good for any students, not just the late-night hungry ones.  She also said that she wants a place to get milkshakes in this chicken place too.  This information search will help me try to make our business appealing other than just chicken, location, and convenience. 

Interview 3: My final interview was with a UF groundskeeper who works on campus.  He explained to me how most of his colleagues and he eat at the current places at midtown 2-3 times a week.  Immediately, even before explaining my business plan, I saw a new potential customer in the people who do not live in the area but work for UF.  So, I then laid out my business plan and explained the need that shows why I'm looking to start this business.  He explained that he needs to eat lunch close to campus because he doesn't have a ton of time for lunch.  He said having a chicken place, especially with flavored wings, would attract his male coworkers.  He added that since the current places at Mid have been around for a while, having a new place alone would attract him because his options are limited and he eats at the same hand-full of places most of the time.  He pinpoints a need from UF faculty who don't have a ton of time and will want to try the chicken place because of its novelty compared to their normal options.  This gave me insight to the information search as well, that online we can broadcast that we have the "newest restaurant at Midtown."

In summary, I see new need awareness and aspects of information search after doing these interviews.  As for need awareness, the big thing for this segment is convenience.  Can they walk to the place? Can they get what they want? Will it be open later/more often than other chicken places? These are the biggest questions for the UF community.  As for information search, there is not a whole lot for a chicken place because it's not something that's sold on the internet, but being able ot advertise the newness of the restaurant can go a long way in advertising and showing up on google as well as being spoken by word of mouth.  People like to try new things.

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