Thursday, February 20, 2020

Idea Napkin No. 1

My name is John Kuebel, and I feel like I have talents that apply to my future business.  I am sociable, I enjoy meeting and reaching out to new people.  I also enjoy public speaking.  One of my most valuable skills is my ability to relate to people.  I'm very much a people person, so I take pride in being able to assimilate with almost anyone.  As for my aspirations, I am not exactly sure what my future holds as of now.  Starting this business would give me a chance to not only serve great food to people, but it will also allow me to place myself into the UF community and connect with students, faculty, and staff.

I am offering chicken to customers who frequent Midtown.  Nowhere at Midtown sells specifically chicken.  I plan to serve a variety of chicken from chicken wings to chicken salad. 

Customers of this restaurant will be any student at UF, anyone who lives in the area, and Gainesville residents in general.  However, these three categories can be broken down in different ways.  UF students who want chicken after a night out, students who study at nearby libraries, and students who work in the area all are potential customers.  Midtown is the most popular off-campus area for students.  The groups have in common that they use Mid in their everyday lives, it's part of their routine. 

Customers will pay us money because they are at midtown for many reasons--studying, drinking, working, living, etc.  Now they will not need to leave Midtown to get quality chicken.  They no longer have to go all the way to Chick-Fil-A, the main competitor of our chicken place.  We will also have better hours.  Convenience will sell our chicken.

What sets us apart from everyone else is that we have the best chicken available for how readily and easily available it is for the UF community.  We have the best location: right at Midtown.  No other chicken place in town has that location.

I believe these aspects of my business fit together well.  They are all centered around convenience and accessibility for students and residents. However, the weakest aspect of the business now is competing with Chick-Fil-A during their hours.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    I've been keeping update on your idea. That is great that you are a sociable person and you enjoy business meetings. Those two factors are huge if you want to go through any business plan. I like how you gave different scenarios for students who attend school here as well. Maybe even include some when students are leaving for the summer. Overall, great napkin idea!
