Friday, February 7, 2020

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

1.  The first opportunity lies in a regulatory trend:  The ban on plastic straws
      a. I found this trend because people are complaining about the paper straws and how they don't work as well
     b. The opportunity exists because people do not like these paper straws and need a better option.
     c. the prototypical customer is anyone who lives in a place where paper straws were banned and is fed up using paper straws.
     d.  the opportunity is difficult to exploit because paper straws are better for the environment and and finding something that is better than paper would be tough to create.
    I formed this opportunity because paper straws are more of a hassle to use than plastic, and I have heard people grumble about them.  This may be an opportunity for me and no one else because some people may just accept using them because they are better for the environment, but anyone who wants to use the best straw is probably thinking of an alternative.

2.  The second opportunity comes from the economic trend that happens every year in February that involves people buying specific gifts to show love to their partners/families: starting a service that makes custom Valentine's baskets and delivers them to your partner. 
     a.  I found this trend because Valentine's Day gifts are tough, especially when trying to make your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend happy.  I never know what to get my girlfriend for Valentine's day.
     b.  the opportunity exists because people get Valentine's Day gifts because they have to show love in some way, and that might be hard for some people.
     c. the prototypical customer is anyone who wants to do something special for their other half but is too busy to shop or doesn't know where to start.
     d. the opportunity is difficult to exploit because some people may want to shop around for Valentine's day because the meaning of the holiday is all about love and doing things for your partner.
     I formed this belief because I don't like shopping for Valentine's Day. Having a service that I can customize the basket and have them handle the rest would be very helpful to me.  I feel pressure when getting Val's day gifts and that led me to form this belief and opportunity.

3. The third opportunity comes from a regulatory trend raising the minimum age to buy tobacco from 18 to 21:  Start a service to help those who are affected by the age raise to quit nicotine.
     a.  I found this trend when Alachua county passed this law, and other counties and states are following. 
     b.  The opportunity exists because there are many people out there who are addicted to nicotine but cannot purchase it any longer.
     c.  the prototypical customer is anyone aged 18-20 who now cannot buy nicotine.
     d. the opportunity is difficult to exploit because some people may want to try to get nicotine illegally or get it through other people.
     I formed this belief because I know people who are affected and had no options within the law but to quit.  I believe this opportunity exists because this truly is a health issue, and preaching quitting for your health would convince me, it might not be persuasive enough for those who do not heed the surgeon general's warning.

4.  The final opportunity exists in an economic trend: building high-end gas stations on the borders of Florida
     a. I found this trend when I heard the statistic that 150 people are moving to Florida every day.
     b.  The opportunity exists because lots of people travel into and out of Florida, and having a place like WaWa, which is starting to grow
     c. The prototypical customer is anyone traveling into or out of Florida on a particular day.
     d.  the opportunity is difficult to exploit because this is an idea that other people are picking up on as well.
     I formed this belief because WaWa's are so popular, and Walmart is entering the high-end gas station market.  However, these high end stations are not yet on the borders.  Someone who does not see this as an opportunity would think that competing against WaWa and Walmart is impossible, but not if you build them on the borders faster than the two.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John,

    I was reading other post and they found links to somewhat vague economic trends and regulatory changes. However, you found very specific changes and trends, not only in the US, but here in Gainesville. Overall, I though your post was well detailed and random when it came to the opportunities, which shows your creativity.
