Thursday, February 27, 2020

Halfway Reflection

1. I spend time everyday doing the assignments due at the end of the week and recommend a new student do that as well so the work does not pile up.  You also must think, you cannot give half effort and expect to be able to finish the assignments in a timely manner.

2. I thought about giving up when we've had to do interviews.  I have tried to seek a diverse group of interviewees to get the best and most unbiased results.  It has been tough and has taken a long time.  Over a week in one case.  I feel like I have developed a tenacious attitude because of these interviews.  Doing these assignments have made me think more like an entrepreneur.  This attitude has helped to shape my business model as well.

3.  My first tip is to think like an entrepreneur whoever you can.  If you cannot, fake it til you make it.  It is so important to have the tenacious mindset to give you an advantage over someone who is not giving full effort in this class.  My second tip is to pick a business model that you are passionate about.  My need that formed my business is something that I personally am affected by.  The final tip is once you find something you are passionate about, don't let anyone know what you're thinking.  Any leak of an idea could derail your business venture. If you're familiar with Mamba Mentality, be like Kobe.


  1. Hi John! I agree with you that the business model you choose for this class must mean something to you. For the amount of time we spend working on the various aspects of our businesses, the topic must be something you can relate to or resonates with you. Also, procrastination in this class can be very hurtful because assignments can tend to "pile up" on Thursdays or Fridays if you are not careful. Overall, I think you brought up some great points about using tenacity to succeed in this class.

  2. Hey John, some great tips here. I really like how you gave personal experience in each section, especially when you mentioned things you did not like doing. I think it's great how you commented on interviewing people and perseverance through it. I'll be looking forward to commenting on your post in the future!
