Thursday, March 12, 2020

What's My Secret Sauce 16A

1. a. Altruism-- I have a genuine desire for the people around me to succeed, this will be especially beneficial to my employees and anyone I would do business with.  I also believe this quality will help me to defeat the detrimental God complex, that many managers have, and create a healthier environment for my business.

    b. Caring--I get attached to things I care about, and I would be fully invested in my business, regardless of initial failure.

    c. Independent--I am a very independent person, and I have always had the desire to put in extra work to be unique from others.  I would display this same level of giving 110% to my business to ensure that it is unique.

    d.  Extroverted--I am an outgoing person with good social skills.  In my career I plan on doing something involving public relations or public speaking.  Having this skill is beneficial to the appeal of the business.

    e. Drive--I grew up playing sports and this made me extremely competitive.  I hate losing more than I like to win.  The desire not to fail would surely help any business, as well as give me an edge over competitors.

Interviews available at my soundcloud profile:
note: You will hear people call  me Jake, although my real name is John, I go by Jake.

1. Interview with my mom: My mom talks about my "intuitiveness"--being able to understand and read people.  She also talks about me being a calming presence and a selfless individual.  These qualities she thinks will hep me in the business world.  All the things she discussed are similar to what I described myself as having, proof that my mom knows me well.

2.  Interview with my twin brother: My brother describes me as one of the nicest people he knows, driven, and smart.  These qualities are a little different than what I described, but I see what he is saying.  It is good to know I have these qualities because they will be beneficial for my business.

3.  Interview with my roommate: My roommate talks about me how I would talk about myself and how I did talk about myself in the first part of this assignment.  The expression of "You don't truly know someone til you live with them" suits this interview.

4. Interview with my girlfriend: She says that I am reliable, caring, and intelligent.  I had not heard reliable yet, but I think that is a good way to describe me, and reliability will go far when forming connections in the business world.

5. Interview with my dad: My dad says that I am a very caring person, but the thing that separates this recording from what others said about me is that I am a grinder, he said I may not be the most talented, but I am willing to outwork competition and go the extra mile.  This is a great entrepreneurial skill in my opinion.


  1. Hi John,
    I love reading your post. From my view, I think that the spirit of drive is really important for you to be successful in your future business. We will always encounter failure or adversity as we start up our own business, and during this time, a lot of people simply just give up, but if we keep going and try to figure out one effective way to save us out of adversity, maybe we will do better than others.

  2. Hey John, your post are always so detailed. I like how you take the time and really expand on the assignment. It was cool learning more about your personality, and your character. The interview with my brother was funny, haha. Glad to see that you guys have a good relationship.

  3. Hey John, great post overall! A strong spirit and drive is what has led some entrepreneurs to be great such as Steve Jobs. Unrelenting to your failures is sometime what could fuel success. The fact that your easy to converse with and very sociable further benefits in you working alongside others and working as a teammate.
