Thursday, March 19, 2020

Create a Customer Avatar--18A

My customer avatar is a typical college student who enjoys eating after going out at Midtown.  He/she is aged 18-23, drives hand me down cars from their parents, studies/watches Netflix in their free time, the boys watch all kinds of sports while the girls watch You, Gossip Girl, Jane the Virgin.  Most of the college students who create my customer avatar do not have children. Most of my characters aren't too interested in politics, except for the political science majors.  I have a lot in common with my avatar, because I am part of the avatar.  I do not think this is a coincidence because I felt the need that caused me to think of this business.  Being a college student, I feel like I know this need and know lots of people who are also in my customer avatar.

1 comment:

  1. Hey John, cool avatar man.I liked how you gave a very detailed scenario of who your customer avatar is- the age, what they like to do, what type of college student he/she is. Overall, I thought your post was thorough and humorous when it came to the images. Looking forward to your next post!
