Thursday, January 30, 2020

My Entrepreneurship Story

My first exposure to entrepreneurship happened when I was 13 years old, and I had just started eighth grade.  I walked a mile down the street from my new school to go get Five Guys with my brother when I noticed a store that one would not expect to find in New Orleans, Louisiana: a skiing supply store.  Seeing this store baffled me because there are no mountains within 500 miles of New Orleans, and I've seen snow three times in 18 years of living there.  I mentioned to my brother that this store, called Massey's, had to be going out of business, why would anyone put a ski supply store in New Orleans?

I guess I did not realize it at the time, but I was looking at a problem.  It made no sense to me why this store existed in New Orleans.  This relates to entrepreneurship because it was the first time in my life that I thought like one.  I would never have opened a ski store in a city that almost never gets below freezing, not to mention a city that is actually below sea level.

I enrolled in ENT3003 because I want to get a perspective on reason to start something.  I've learned about economics, accounting, and the technicalities of businesses, but in this class, I will learn about whys.  Why start a business, why sell a product/service.  I'm excited to learn why.

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