Thursday, January 23, 2020

20 Things that Bug Me

Here are 20 things that really bug me about life. Enjoy:

1. The rule that only authorized vehicles can drive on the streets from The Hub to Turlington.

     This exists because campus has few access points and having those streets open would make campus authorized vehicles less efficient.

2. Max Kellerman's bold takes on ESPN.  If a player plays well in a particular game Max Kellerman will say something like "Patrick Mahomes is the best quarterback in the history of the NFL."  Patrick Mahomes has only been in the league for two years.

     This exists due to a simple psychology term known as recency bias.  When something has happened recently, people tend to be biased in the way they view it.

3.  People who know my parents continuing to treat me like a child.
     This exists because to my parents friends, they still view me as "Rick and Lisa's son," which
makes sense because I am not yet completely on my own yet.

4. Online classes.  I feel like as a college student who lives on campus I should be able to go to any class and not have to plan my schedule around watching videos that my attention span is not long enough to watch on my own.

     This exists especially in the business school at UF because many students are in the business school and having online class makes it more efficient for UF to be able to have more business students.

5.  Waking up early

     This is a result of having responsibilities; it would be great if I didn't have any of those.

6. UF being a Pepsi campus.

    It's truly not even about Pepsi, but Pepsi/Frito Lay owns Gatorade, and UF will always have to serve the soda that is associated with the sports that was created here.

7.  Florida basketball recruiting top talent and not being a national powerhouse.

     I believe we do not have the coaching staff that develops talent properly.  From year to year our players do not get better, they do not hone their skills.

8.  The Chipotle on University running out of rice.

     This is the busiest restaurant around campus, but still how does a Mexican restaurant run out of rice!

9.  The UF Mark Bostick Golf Course not having a student discount.

    The course is unlike other student golf courses, being that this is actually the course where the teams play, so it is maintained well, so naturally it is more expensive to play.

10.  LSU fans.

     LSU fans are the most annoying, obnoxious fan base in all of sports.  They are like this because the school literally has nothing else to offer but a good football program, and the fans are proud of that.

11.  People who take things too seriously on twitter.

     Some people cannot take a joke, maybe because they have strict personalities or have strict parents.

12.  Golf parents who take their son's golf too seriously

     These parents are trying to live through their kids, so they get way too invested in their kids' golf games.

13.  ONE.UF server being down.

     This happens at the end of the semester, probably because lots of students are checking their grades so the server crashes.

14.  My roommates not letting me borrow their cars.

     I guess they are worried about me getting into an accident, which is a valid complaint.

15.  My fan making noise while it is running

     It's an old fan so it probably needs some oil.

16.  Publix on 34th not having deals on freezer meals

     For business sake, Publix probably cannot have them on sale all the team, which is understandable.

17.  People posting long concert performances on Snapchat

     I guess people do this to let their followers know that they were there, but most of the time it is impossible to hear the songs.

18.  People who ask me what I plan on doing with my life

    I think this bothers me because I do not really know what I want to do and am embarrassed to admit it.

19.  People who never answer their phones

     I hate waiting to tell people what I want to tell them when I have it on my mind

20.  People who own dogs and call themselves "parents"

     The responsibilities of having kids and pets can often be similar.

I found this very difficult; it took me more than an hour.  I am not exactly sure why it was so hard because I feel like there are a lot of little things that bug me.  I think I struggled because I am somewhat of an easygoing guy, so even if something bugs me, I am less than likely to do anything about it.



  1. Hey John! I know you said that this bug list was hard for you to come up with but I really think you did a great job. I totally agree with you that LSU fans are not the most agreeable, especially now after they won the national championship. I also am annoyed by people who do not answer their phones in a timely manner and I feel the frustration on that one. Though I can relate to almost all of these, maybe try to think of a few that can be changed or fixed by an entrepreneurial venture. Great job!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey John, I started laughing when I read about the LSU fans not being the most agreeable. People not answering their phones is always annoying, one bug from me is when the person does not have their voicemail set up. I really liked relating to your bug list. Thanks John.
